*moonkoosa boots*

*moonkoosa boots!* fringy felted kicks that will help you bramble through the wild bracken with ease! they come in mini, short, mid & tall for women and kids 🙂 the kids ones are SO CUTE. so ive made another rambly video about them.  its long but the second half is a sorta felting tips and hints section.  i blanket stitched some flipflop soles to the bottom of the tall boots so i can wear them anywhere! 🙂 they are light and fluffy and dont slouch down too much.  happy fringing sweet sweet ones!  lots of love your way. xoxoxo
Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 08.19.42lil kids sizes oooooooooooooooh! (size medium doubles perfectly as a drink cozy. LOL!)

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34 Responses to *moonkoosa boots*

  1. Jo says:

    I’m excited to watch this, thank you!

  2. awkwardsoul says:

    OMG, love it! I love the tall moonkoosas! /swooooon

  3. Crumpet says:

    The beeeesssst! I am imagining the sound you are making whilst holding up the wee babby sized and it is giving me so much life I can’t even describe it, you are givin’ me joy!
    I love you forever!

  4. helen Nelson says:

    Wow, these are so gorgeous. I want them. lol. Will buy the pattern shortly. Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. helen Nelson says:

    These are so wonderful. Can’t wait to get my hands on the pattern.
    Be Blessed Always

  6. Stef Smith says:

    Please please PLEASE make some little Moonkoosa Booties for Ruby :3 please please :3 I’d like to make some for my kitty, too :3

  7. Katie says:

    Another gorgeous pattern I want some and so does my 8 year old daughter

  8. Nina says:

    oh how lovely!! LOVE your new booties..just the perfect pocahontas boots 😀

  9. Jenn says:

    They are sooooo cute! Love your creativity!
    What is the music playing in the background of the video?

  10. tinyowlknits says:

    thanks everyone!!! 🙂 yay im so glad you like them!

    the music playing is called “new fire” its just on my cd player up in the loft so it wafts down. yes i am so 90s i still use my cdplayer! lol

  11. cobylyn says:

    Oh my gosh, you make me laugh out loud and smile and giggle and I totally get you 😀 What fun! I feel like I made a new bestie! I can’t believe I haven’t seen any of your videos before, you only have 2? ANY-way, looking forward to more videos!
    PS: Your kitty is adorable!
    PPS: What was the VERY last thing you whispered on your bootie video?
    PPPS: I lived in Fort Collins CO for 10 years, back when it was just named top city to live in, not so built up on early 80’s, but, I digress 😉 I LOVED Boulder and Garden of the Gods. And check out Mishawaka up the Poudre, (Warning! Don’t think ‘poudre’ while you’re drinking anything!) http://www.landscapeimagery.com/poudre.html

  12. Jenny Jenn says:

    You are so ridiculously adorable, you know that? I always get so excited to watch a new video!

    Anyways, when I saw them, I thought you make Chewbacca boots (I’m lame like that because I’ve just watched the movies for the very first time and I’m a little more then obsessed with them!) I bet you could make a pair with fringes all the way down the feet and stuff so you could be a Wookie or an Ewok or whatever furry thing you want to dress up as!

    I really do love them! They are so cute!

  13. Domestic Deb says:

    Cobylyn: she said, “p.s. birds don’t poop eggs.” 🙂 which is true…and silly…
    Stephanie: you radiate love & light through everything you do. thank you for sharing your amazing gift

  14. Kristalia Astari says:

    Omg I always love watching your videos it reminds me I’m not the only crazy fairy tale loving, fiber artist Whovian. You think a CD player is bad I still listen to audio books on my tape player lol. I’m so in love with the Moonkoosa I will have to make many many pairs!

    Here is an idea of a vid you could make that doesn’t require a new pattern… A tour of your book shelf ^^ we see your book shelves in this video and other pictures and I’m always interested in what books other people love. Also what’s in that cabinet behind you? Looks like mine which is full of essential oils, herb blends, and tons on incense blends to burn in my cauldron.

    Anyways I always tell any other fiber artists I meet about you (and mostly anyone I meet about your music lol) I’m usually turning newly spun yarn into hexipuffs lol

    Hugs & Kisses!!!
    Hoot Hoot

  15. Pixie Fadang says:

    Woot Toot TOOT! You’re such a creative, happy dearling & you do indeed radiate Light: Thank You!! I & my friends had tall, long-fringed, groovy leather mocs in the 60’s & your moonkoosas take me back to those days, with a bit more baa than moo – they’ll be perfect to wear with my antler hat & woodsy wristies on a cool Pacific NW days (any day of the year!). 🐝 😃

  16. tinyowlknits says:

    they are tooottally modelled after minnetonka moccasins!! hehehehe i LOVe them and wanted a knitted pair.. or should i say.. many knitted pairs? eep! thanks!

  17. tinyowlknits says:

    awwwwwww hugs! thanks so much yes that would be fun to do a bookshelf tour.. i have some weird stuff! LOL
    yup behind me is all essential oils and quite a few blends.. ive been blending lots lately! thanks for the support!

  18. tinyowlknits says:

    up yup i definitely said that 🙂 hehehe hugs to you and see you soon!

  19. tinyowlknits says:

    hahah they are so chewbacca arent they! oooh lil wookie legs.. love love love.. i shoulda called em wookiefeet! hahah thanks xoxo

  20. tinyowlknits says:

    birds dont poop eggs 🙂
    cause thats how i always end my videos! LOL joooking 🙂
    thanks so much new bestie! xoox

  21. Mandy says:

    I simply adore you

  22. nina says:

    Reblogged this on I feel crafty and commented:
    OH.. I love love LOVE these!!
    I was looking forward to them since Stephanie mentioned them in our interview!
    These are jst gorgegeous!!
    And guess what’s going to be in my email inbox soon?? Yep, brand new Tiny Owl Knits pattern 🙂
    MOONKOOSA can you believe it?

  23. anastasiamw says:

    I am obsessed with these boots! Ok, to be fair, I’m obsessed with your designs. They’re always amazing!

  24. Sarah says:

    So gorgeous … will wait for the winter and get my needles out. I love my catching butterflies writs warmers so can’t wait to give these a try. sarah x

  25. Aline says:

    your new vlog came at the exact best time! I was just finished work and saw your email when I sent my work to the office. I love seeing glimpses of your pretty decor!! wish I had such pretty things and talent to display them. I love the tall Moons and the Ivy ones because I love all things Ivy ♥ These reminds me of Mokey Fraggle 🙂

  26. Pauline Spinks says:

    Love love love these!!!!!!!!!!!
    Made Miss Samantha a pink pair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just waiting for yarn to make me some…not pink!
    You rock dude….you really do

  27. KnitterPam says:

    You are really quite mental, my dear. I lurves you.

  28. Lorainne says:

    Oh my gosh! Way too cute! Can’t take it! ♥

  29. mochimeow says:

    Hmmm, I googled moonkoosa and saw this http://www.knitterspalette.com/store/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=3&idproduct=4711#details

    I don’t want to tattle tale, but I just hope that they are crediting you, or asked permission!

    In other news…I got my yarn for my moonkoosas today-yay and can’t wait! Eee!

  30. RiLusDad says:

    I am officially in love with you. I want you for my neighbor. I’ll supply the baked goods and you just have to show up. I’m starting my beekeepers quilt with love in my heart.

  31. AJ says:

    How ADORABLE I absolutely LOVE OWLS! So glad to finally discover you!!!!!!! Love the blog! 🙂

  32. Yureni says:

    You discuss ‘felting’ them in the washer.. Some of us don’t have access to top load washers with ability to change the cycles as you described (apartment living, le sigh..Our shared washer is a front load and no dial). Any suggestions?

  33. Kim C says:

    Can’t believe there are only 4 more patterns to go already. It’s been so much fun!

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