uk handmade magazine cover

yes! on a magazine cover dressed as a DEER holding CUPCAKES!  hahaha i never would have dreamt up this fun! 🙂 thanks UK handmade!  have a super happy birthday and thanks for the gorgeous spread and interview.  and also for allowing the faeries to roller-skate on my face to iron out my wrinkles 🙂 Winter 2011 is a great issue & i just finished reading it cover to cover. LOVE it!  check it out *here* clicky clicky cupcakes!

also, did you know that UK handmade & Jelly have teamed up to do something awesome?they are auctioning off a finished beekeeper’s quilt!  a really really real FINISHED ONE!
the proceeds will go to NACRO a charity which helps children in tough areas.
i am so excited about this! see details *here* clicky clicky cupcakes!

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21 Responses to uk handmade magazine cover

  1. Dona says:

    Wow Stephanie you look fabulous and right at home as a cover girl!
    I don’t believe you needed those fairies at all! ♥

  2. Sakura says:

    Massive thank you Stephanie you are an absolute STAR!

    Anna x

  3. Hi congrats on the magazine cover, you look fab, you have some amazing items in your knitted collection, well done, keep those needles clicking. xx

  4. Hoot, hoot! Congrats, Steph! You look so ca-hoot!

  5. It was lovely to wake up and find this interview with you in my email! And what is that red rosy collar?!?!?!?!

  6. tinyowlknits says:

    wooo thanks knittens!!!!!!
    so fun!
    ooh yes the red rosy collar is coming sooooooooooon! ♥
    😀 xoxoxoxox

  7. meppybn says:

    Fab article and e-mag too – must take the time to stay put and read it all sometime! Me too, me too for the red rosy collar ❤ ❤

  8. chalklegs says:

    your attic space is trè sweet! ohh an a big P.S I am going to be a hexipuff donor for the charity beekeeper! …hip hip hooray!

  9. Sally at Rivendale Farms says:

    How fun is this!!! (And feel free to send some of those faeries this way…..) Congratulations – is there an article about you as well?

  10. Bee. says:

    Holy gorgeous, OWLIE!!! ♥
    What an amazing opportunity for you, and auctioning off a blanket – SO COOL.

  11. bethany says:

    Aw, how adorable you are! What a great birthday wish picture. Congrats to you doll!

  12. Congratulations on the magazine cover!

    EVERY time I wear the woodland hoodlet I knit from your pattern I get multiple compliments on both it and the way it looks on me. Your patterns are a delight!

  13. Pauline Spinks says:

    How great do you look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can the faries come iron out my wrinkles……PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

  14. fabulous cover girl, so excited that we can take part in the hexi-puff charity quilt : )
    (I’m from jelly)

  15. knitxcore says:

    congrats lady! <333

  16. Tina says:

    Congratulations … your cover shot is awesome and what a wonderful charity project! 🙂

  17. Yay!!!! You look beautiful, as always! Great interview – I hope you are settling well now that you are back home in the States! xxx

  18. Congrats on the magazine cover and article!!!. I had to google eiderdowns since I didn’t know what they were, and now I want one so bad! lol

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  20. meg says:

    Congrats! What a thrill!

  21. Pingback: cbutters | Pearltrees

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